Już 28 marca 2025 zapraszamy na trzecie spotkanie Science Café, które odbędzie się w Przestrzeni Kultura – Barbara przy ul. Świdnickiej 8B we Wrocławiu. Tym razem wydarzenie przyjmie formę warsztatów pod hasłem „Co pachnie w jedzeniu i jak to nazwać”.
This time, we will focus on local flavors and explore how regional plants and mushrooms shape our palate. The discussion will delve into the fascinating world of umami – the fifth taste, which plays a key role in culinary experiences around the world.
A panel of leading researchers will showcase innovative approaches to sensory and consumer science in the context of sustainability. We are excited to welcome guest speakers Jakub Bercik and Anna Mracova from Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, who will share their work from the EU project COMFOCUS, focusing on new methods in food consumer science.
A diverse panel of researchers will showcase a range of strategies for gathering consumer insights. From Living Labs and online codesign to multimodal data collection, these experts will demonstrate how to effectively integrate consumer perspectives into the food product development process. Following the presentations, a roundtable discussion will address the key challenges and obstacles encountered in implementing these consumer-centric research methods. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and ask questions.
Join Basque Culinary Center (BCC) Innovation’s workshop on Collaborative food design - encouraging creativity in multidisciplinary teams! Michael Bom Frøst is an associate professor in Food Sensory Innovation in the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen.
This event is an excellent opportunity to bring together all interested parties, including the academic community, businesses, policymakers, etc., interested in the quality and safety throughout the food production chain, from the farm to consumption and beyond.
The second SEASONED Summer School, focusing on Advanced Sensory Methods, was held from 24 to 28 June 2024 at the picturesque campus of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense. Organised by SDU in collaboration with partner universities and institutions, this event brought together experts, students, and professionals to explore cutting-edge techniques in sensory analysis, offering unique learning opportunities that sparked excitement and eagerness for future events.
On June 6, 2024, the Basque Culinary Center (BCC) Innovation hosted a groundbreaking workshop on food waste upcycling led by esteemed researcher-chefs John Regefalk and Nahuel Pazos. Held at the Technology Center of Gastronomy, this interactive online event provided a unique platform for participants to explore innovative culinary techniques that transform food waste into delectable dishes.
From June 10th to 14th, UPWr hosted an insightful workshop led by Carolina Chaya, Ph.D., a full professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with a wealth of experience in Applied Statistics and Sensometrics
Join Basque Culinary Center (BCC) Innovation's workshop on Digital tools and sensory research! Erich Eichstetter, with nearly two decades of experience in the food industry across Europe and Latin America, is a seasoned professional. He began his career as a chef in various restaurants, where he honed his culinary skills. Over time, he expanded his expertise by delving into design, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Currently, he holds the position of Tech Scout and New Digital Product Developer at LABe Digital Gastronomy Lab, where he leverages his diverse background to identify emerging technologies and develop cutting-edge digital solutions around food.
Zapraszamy do udziału w innowacyjnych warsztatach kulinarnych organizowanych przez Basque Culinary Center, poświęconych przetwarzaniu “odpadów spożywczych” i dedykowanych młodym badaczom.
On November 25-26, 2023, the Basque Culinary Center (BCC Innovation) hosted an extraordinary Sensory Science Hackathon in Donostia-San Sebastián under the European project SEASONED. This pivotal gathering was designed to harness the innovative potential of Master's students, PhD candidates, and young researchers in addressing the pressing challenges of food sensory science. The event focused on the theme "Flavors of the World," aiming to explore and develop innovative solutions that contribute to the vision of a healthy, green, and delicious food system by 2040.
The summer school of the SEASONED project organised by the University Miguel Hernandez de Elche in Orihuela (UMH), under the coordination of UPWr, has just concluded. The event, which took place from 10-14 July 2023, focused participants' attention on basic sensory methods in food analysis. Despite record-breaking temperatures, participants enthusiastically learned the ins and outs of sensory analysis, worked in groups, visited laboratories and local markets, and discussed with representatives of leading Spanish food producers.
The second General Assembly meeting of the SEASONED consortium was held on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2023 at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense. The consortium is working towards developing novel plant-based food products and their sensory evaluation.
The SEASONED project, which aims to strengthen universities in widening countries, has been launched with a budget of EUR 1.5 million. The project leader is the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, with its partners Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche from Spain, Syddansk Universitet from Odense, Denmark, and the Basque Culinary Centre from San Sebastian, Spain. REDINN, from Italy, is the fifth partner in the team and will be responsible for communication.