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International Scientific Conference on Food Sensory Science:SEASONED in 4 Seasons
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International Scientific Conference on Food Sensory Science: SEASONED in 4 Seasons
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International Scientific Conference on Food Sensory Science: SEASONED in 4 Seasons
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International Scientific Conference on Food Sensory Science: SEASONED in 4 Seasons
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International Scientific Conference on Food Sensory Science: SEASONED in 4 Seasons


What is our way to achieve the objectives?

By leading the SEASONED project in the Horizon Europe (HE) Twinning framework, UPWr will be focusing on enhancing networking activities among leading research institutions in the field of sensory evaluation to a) widen the knowledge, skills and competencies of Early-Stage Researchers (ESR), Experienced Researchers (ER) and Admin Staff (AS) in the field of sensory evaluation of newly designed processed foods with improved health-related properties and technical aspects of managing European projects, by using the advanced methodology of sensory analysis (QDA, profiling methods) with the combination with consumer science (sensory marketing and consumer behaviour) and dedicated training, stimulate and increase UPWr’s step up in scientific excellence and innovation capacity by improving sensory evaluation procedures and developing a new capacity for understanding consumer behaviour and marketing.

This will enable the spread of knowledge to directly increase consumer awareness and product acceptability towards innovative products with pro-health value. Such improvement will also allow to transfer the gained knowledge to local businesses, enabling them to develop and introduce a successful product to the market and shape citizens' health status and satisfaction.

Project objectives

To strengthen the research excellence of UPWr’s FBFS staff to fully conduct a sensory evaluation of food and consumer behaviour, which is necessary to step up to excellence in the areas of other partners by the end of the project.

To build up and train the Administrative Unit and equip research and admin staff in both hard and soft skills necessary to step up in expertise and skills in providing high-quality scientific consultancy, project management and services.

To intensively train a new group of ESRs capable of finding a leading role in the sensory analysis of novel processed food products with improved health-related properties adapted to worldwide consumers preferences.

To establish sustainability strategy of SEASONED project by long-term, irreversible changes in the UPWr’s landscape, and increasing the reputation and networking capabilities through systemic approach and stakeholders’ management with the emphasis on citizens, business, and regional policymakers, thus influence Regional Smart Specialisations, policies, and changes in standards and practices.

To get the attention of multiple audiences, promote interaction between research and practice, make research more responsive to citizen’s needs and context, develop a better understanding and create win-win partnerships between researchers, citizens, and business + policymakers, thus helping the uptake of sustainable and healthy food production and driving competitiveness on the European food market through awareness and the policy advice.

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